Page 41 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 41

2     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 operator dan analisis fungsional. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah
                 untuk mengkaji aljabar-C* serta penerapannya dalam mekanika
                 kuantum, khususnya terkait teorema spektral untuk operator-
                 operator self-adjoint tak terbatas di ruang Hilbert. Pada artikel ini,
                 dibahas terlebih dahulu beberapa teori dasar aljabar-C* termasuk
                 operator linear, operator adjoint, operator uniter, dan sifat-sifat
                 dasar lainnya yang terkait dengan teori mekanika kuantum.
                 Selanjutnya, pembahasan aljabar-C* dikerucutkan pada operator
                 self-adjoint tak terbatas di ruang Hilbert dengan memanfaatkan
                 transfromasi Cayley sehingga diperoleh teorema spektral untuk
                 operator tak terbatas dari operator terbatas. Selain itu, dijelaskan
                 pula penerapan Aljabar-C* dalam mekanika kuantum.

                 Kata Kunci: aljabar-C*, mekanika kuantum, operator self-adjoint,
                            teorema spektral.


                 In  an era  of increasingly  developing  technology,  technological
                 innovation is carried out to achieve Sustainable Development
                 Goals (SDGs),  which lead to sustainable  living. Sustainable  living
                 emphasizes  the importance  of wise use  of natural resources,
                 environmental protection, reduction of waste and pollution, use
                 of renewable energy, awareness of social and economic impacts,
                 and individual and societal actions to achieve the SDGs' goals. In
                 this case, Mathematics is used to build mathematical models that
                 support analysis and planning related to SDGs goals, including
                 cryptography and quantum computers, which are closely related
                 to  quantum  mechanics.  Mathematical  concepts,  especially  C*-
                 algebra, can be used to analyze and model quantum systems
                 and related phenomena in quantum mechanics. Algebra-C* is
                 the result of a further study of the concepts of algebraic operators
                 and functional analysis. This article aims to study C*-algebra and
                 its application in quantum mechanics, particularly regarding the
                 spectral theorem for infinite self-adjoint operators in Hilbert space.
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