Page 300 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
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Trends in Science and Technology   261
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                conditions. Because the heterotrophic substrate’s microbial growth
                rate  and  production  per  unit  is  10  times  larger  in  bioflocs  than  in
                autotrophic  nitrifying  bacteria,  hazardous  nitrogen  species  are
                immobilized more quickly. This method is based on the flocculation
                principle in the system (Figure 1).

                       Sumber: Avnimelech, 2014

                    Figure 1. Scheme of The Biofloc Technology System (BFT)

                2.   The Rise of Biofloc Technology
                     Avnimelech  (2014)  provided  the  following  year-by-year
                summary of the technological advances shift from conventional
                aquaculture to bioflocs:
                a.   1960s period:
                     During  this  period,  communities  used  conventional
                aquaculture  systems  for  years  before  biofloc  technology  to
                raise  fish  and  other  aquatic  organisms.  Conventional  system
                aquaculture is the dominant method of cultivating fish and other
                aquatic organisms. This system places fish or aquatic organisms in
                ponds or containers, usually filled with uncirculated water. The food
                given to the fish will produce waste, including uneaten food and fish
                excrement. This waste can cause the accumulation of substances
                harmful  to  fish  and  the  surrounding  environment.  Before  biofloc
                technology,  communities  have  utilized  conventional  aquaculture
                techniques  to  cultivate  fish  and  other  aquatic  species  for  years.
                Conventional system aquaculture is the most common way of
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