Page 296 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 296

Trends in Science and Technology   257
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                1.   Improving the quality of aquaculture water: Adharani,
                     Soewardi, Syakti, & Hariyadi (2016) concluded in their study
                     that the use of biofloc can improve water quality, as evidenced
                     by a drop in the concentration values of total ammonia
                     nitrogen (TAN), ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate parameters. In
                     this  situation,  biofloc  functions  as  a  biocatalyst,  efficiently
                     converting organic waste into stable organic matter and
                     lowering culture water’s ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
                     Biofloc will keep the water clean and limit disease risk in farm
                2.   Feed efficiency: Wanja, Rebhung, & Sunadji (2020) showed
                     that biofloc technology affects the efficiency of feed usage
                     in  milkfish.  Because    the  microorganisms  that  dwell  in  the
                     biofloc also offer nutrients to the farm animals, the biofloc
                     technology system allows for less commercial feed. It
                     will  help  minimize  feed  expenditures  while  reducing  the
                     environmental impact of surplus undigested meals.
                3.   Increased  productivity:  Because  biofloc  works  as  an
                     additional source of nutrients in biofloc technology systems,
                     higher population densities of farmed animals can be
                     reached. It was consistent with the findings of Suhardianto
                     and Hartari (2019), who discovered that the density of fish in
                     ponds can rise thrice. This increased density has implications
                     for improved productivity  inside the same production unit,
                     enhancing efficiency and profitability.
                4.   Environmental  sustainability:  Organic  waste  from  farmed
                     animals in conventional aquaculture systems can pollute
                     the surrounding water. The risk of environmental pollution
                     can be minimized by using biofloc technology since organic
                     waste is transformed into solid biomass and repurposed as
                     feed or organic fertilizer. Ma’in, Anggoro, & Sasongko (2013)
                     state biofloc technology has reduced aquaculture waste.

                     Biofloc  technology  has  achieved  significant  improvements
                in recent years. This method was first solely used in intensive fish
                farming. This technique, however, has grown into an efficient system
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