Page 301 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 301

262     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 raising fish and other aquatic organisms. Fish or aquatic organisms
                 are  placed  in  ponds  or  containers  that  are  usually  filled  with
                 uncirculated water in this arrangement. The fish food will generate
                 waste, including uneaten food and fish feces. This waste can lead
                 to the buildup of toxins that are toxic to fish and the environment
                 (Avnimelech, 2014).
                       Alternatively, some are given a brief circulation in a pool or
                 container filled with water. The water in the pond is either allowed to
                 flow freely or is controlled by a basic circulation system. This strategy
                 relies on regular water changes to ensure good water quality.

                 b.    1970s period:
                       In the 1970s, water-recirculating systems were created
                 to  improve  the  efficiency  and  sustainability  of  aquaculture.  This
                 system  employs  modern  technology  to  improve  water  quality
                 control through the employment of mechanical and biological
                 filters, as well as the addition of supplemental oxygen. Although the
                 RAS  system  offers  numerous  advantages,  such  as  more  efficient
                 water use and improved water quality control, it also has downsides.
                 One disadvantage is the high expense of running and maintaining
                 this system (Avnimelech, 2014).

                 c.    1980s period:
                       In recent years, there has been a growing understanding of
                 the need to manage water quality and fish health in aquaculture.
                 However, awareness of water quality and its impact on fish growth
                 could have been much higher. However, aquaculturists gradually
                 realized  the  need  to  maintain  high  water  quality  to  promote  fish
                 health  and  growth.  Biofilter  technology  was  created,  which  uses
                 microorganisms  to  transform  fish  waste  into  safer  substances.
                 Biofilters aid in regulating ammonia and nitrite levels in pond water,
                 allowing for more effective fish farming (Avnimelech, 2014).
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