Page 304 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
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Trends in Science and Technology   265
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                3.   Integrated Biofloc Technology and Hydroponic
                     Aquaponics greenhouse is a symbiotic system that blends
                conventional aquaculture with hydroponic greenhouse. Animal
                waste accumulates in conventional aquaculture, increasing
                water toxicity, but in an aquaponics greenhouse, the fish waste is
                converted into plant nourishment by decomposing it into nitrates.
                Nitrogen  is  essential  for  all  living  organisms  (Pratt  &  Cornely,
                2014).  The  ammoniacal  nitrogen  excreted  by  fish  is  an  essential
                nitrogen source for plant development (Timmons et al., 2002). The
                fish waste-carrying water is then transferred into the aquaculture
                system, where the nutrients are converted to nitrate by biological
                nitrification,  denitrification,  and  plant  absorption  (Junge,  2009;
                Zou  et  al.,  2016).  Aquaponics  is  a  potentially  long-term  technique
                for  recycling  nitrogen-rich  effluent  while  producing  excellent-
                quality crops such as vegetables and fish (Wongkiewa et al., 2016).
                Aquaponic is shown in Figure 2.

                                    Plant tank
                          Filter water
                                         Drain system
                                                   Nutrient rich

                                    Fish tank
                          Sumber: Pantazi et al., 2019
                         Figure 2. The Schematic Aquaponics System

                     Aquaponics   and   biofloc-based   aquaculture   are
                environmentally benign methods of food production. Both intensive
                aquaculture  systems  heavily  emphasize  fertilizer  recycling  and
                water conservation (Boyd et al., 2020; Rocha, A.F., Biazetti, F.M.L., &
                Stech  MR,  S.R.,  2017).  FLOCponics  share  these  traits.  FLOCponics
                can become an additional means of mitigating the issues of
                global sustainable food supply by incorporating the principles of
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