Page 271 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 271

232     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 ekonomi suatu kelompok masyarakat. Fakta di masyarakat
                 adalah bahwa kemiskinan, edukasi dan faktor-faktor sosial-
                 politik berpengaruh terhadap akses seseorang terhadap bahan
                 pangan. Berbagai strategi dilakukan untuk mendukung ketahanan
                 pangan dengan mutu yang baik dan praktek berkelanjutan. Sisi
                 yang disoroti meliputi sisi produksi pangan, pendekatan sosial
                 dan promosi pangan. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah hubungan
                 antara  ketahanan,  mutu,  dan  keberlanjutan  pangan  dibutuhkan
                 untuk membangun sistem pangan yang merata dan tangguh
                 yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan pangan dunia dengan
                 melindungi sumber daya alam dan manusia untuk masa depan.

                 Kata Kunci:  akses  pangan,  kemiskinan,  kebutuhan  pangan,
                             ketahanan pangan, SDG


                 Food security is a guarantee of access to quality and nutritious food
                 for all groups of people. Food security includes four aspects, namely
                 the existence, access, utility, and stability of a food. food security
                 which is directly related to the quality of existing food products
                 and the implementation carried out in food production activities.
                 This article analyzes the relationship between food quality, security,
                 and sustainability in terms of accessibility, nutritional needs and
                 the impact of food production on the environment. A sustainable
                 approach is essential to achieve the UN’s 2030 goals. This article
                 takes an overall look at the need for quality food production to
                 support food systems by considering the environmental, social and
                 economic impacts of a community group. The fact in society is that
                 poverty, education, and socio-political factors influence a person’s
                 access to food. Various strategies are carried out to support food
                 security with good mutual and sustainable practices, including the
                 side of food production, social approaches and food promotion.
                 The conclusion of this research is that the relationship between
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