Page 187 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 187

148    Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 produktivitas  petani  dan  menghasilkan  suatu  prototype  yang
                 dapat diuji dan dikembangkan, serta mampu memberikan early
                 warning jika terjadi ketidaksesuaian dari sisi environment.

                 Kata Kunci: data sensor  realtime,  Internet  of  Things,  LoRaWAN,
                            peningkatan produktivitas tanaman


                 This research discusses, analyzes, and provides solutions to
                 agricultural productivity in Indonesia using Internet of Things (IoT)
                 technology, The use of this technology can be found in the irrigation
                 system in  agricultural areas  such as chilies,  tomatoes, shallots,
                 garlic, and even rice. The IoT technology built uses an approach to
                 Long-Range Radio Frequency (LoRa) technology or called LoRaWAN.
                 In this research, development and integration with other devices
                 such as RaspBerry Pi 4 and ESP-WROOM 32 are also carried out for
                 the need to upload sensor data to the server. The sensors used in
                 this research include soil pH, water pH, turbidity, temperature and
                 humidity, and soil moisture sensor. From this multi-sensor data, a
                 method will be developed that makes data transmission organized
                 and no collision with various methods such as Adaptive Data Rate
                 (ADR) and Listen Before Talk (LBT) LoRaWAN. The purpose of this
                 research is to produce a technology that can help increase the
                 productivity of farmers and produce a prototype that can be tested
                 and developed, and be able to provide early warning if there is a
                 discrepancy in terms of the environment.

                 Keywords: realtime sensor data, Internet of Things, LoRaWAN, crop
                           productivity improvement
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