Page 80 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 80

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                      the  learning  management  platform,   (2)  Using  information  and  communication
                      which includes the delivery of academic   technology tools on virtual environments
                      content  to  the  learners  in  the  various   has  been  used  to  develop  self-learning
                      types  of  digital  media  such  as  e-Book,    materials.  STOU  has  managed  and
                      e-paper,  interaction  between  learners   organized  online  teaching  and  learning
                      and teachers, assessment and evaluation   activities  on  the  learning  management
                      through  devices.  These  activities  have   platform  for  the  delivery  of  academic
                      been  used  to  manage  and  organize     content   and   interaction   between
                      online teaching and learning activities as   learners  and  instructors,  evaluation  as
                      well as facilitate learners’ learning.    well as providing services that facilitate
                  (3)  Blended Learning Environment             the learning.
                      Blended  learning  is  an  approach  to
                      education  that  combines  self-learning   Non-Degree Level. The non-degree programs
                      material with virtual learning. Specifying   are designed to closely match with learning
                      academic  content  through  various    and  career-goals  of  the  learners  in  the
                      teaching media has been determined to   form  of  a  module  for  distance  learning  to
                      support education of the fourth era and   enhance their skills and knowledge according
                      organize the learning activities between   to  their  learning  goals.  STOU  has  offered
                      instructors and learners at the particular   non-degree  courses  to  the  general  public
                      places  that  fulfill  knowledge,  skills  and   regardless of age or educational background.
                      good  attitudes  from  self-learning  and   The credits could also be transferred to the
                      create a community of learners.        program  of  study  at  undergraduate  degree

                  Graduate Degree  Level.  The  learning
                  environment for educational management at
                  graduate level is distance education. Together
                  with the development in technology, effective
                  self-learning materials and blended learning
                  environment enhance learners’ self-learning
                  and  promote  their  achievement  level.  The
                  learning environments are divided into two
                  types as follows.
                  (1)  Specifying the main content in the form of
                      main media along with learning activities
                      in the form of supplementary seminars,
                      intensive seminars, as specified in each
                      course set has been adopted to develop
                      self-learning materials and collaborative
                      learning activities.

                  Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
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