Page 76 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 76

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  In Academic Year 2020, STOU has adjusted
                  the  instructional  system  at  the  bachelor’s
                  degree level to be more relevant to needs of
                  the learners. They cover three selective study
                  plans as follows:
                   Plan 1 (A1): The   learners   study   by
                               themselves  from  the  main
                               and  supplementary  media
                               provided  by  the  university
                               and  then  take  the  final
                               examination at the end of the
                   Plan 2 (A2): The   learners   study   by
                               themselves  from  the  main
                               and  supplementary  media
                               provided  by  the  university.
                               They have to take both mid-
                               term and final examination.
                   Plan 3 (A3): The   learners   study   by
                               themselves  from  the  main
                               and  supplementary  media
                               provided  by  the  university.
                               Then they have to participate
                               in blended learning activities
                               and take both mid-term and
                               final examination.

                  Study programs. The university offers three
                  level  of  study  programs:  undergraduate
                  program, graduate program, and non-degree
                  program.  For  undergraduate  program,
                  each  of  the  twelve  schools  offer  various
                  major  subjects.  For  example,  Bachelor’s
                  Degree in Thai Studies, Information Science,
                  English, Law, Public Health, Thai Traditional
                  Medicine,     Business    Administration,
                  Public    Administration,   International
                  Relations,   Industrial   Technology   etc.
                  For  graduate  program,  several  fields  of
                  studies  are  made  available  for  Master’s

                  Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
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