Page 78 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 78

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Educational Services System                Educational Services for the General
                  The  university  provides  several  educational  Public
                  service  activities  in  order  to  help  learners   STOU  has  made  great  progress  in  bringing
                  learn successfully and prevent them dropping   lifelong education to Thai people through its
                  out. The following are the examples of the   educational  radio  and  television  programs.
                  university’s activities.                   Twenty-minute  radio  programs  covering
                  ●  STOU  provides  both  prospective  and   topics  in  a  wide  variety  of  courses  are
                      current  learners  with  an  opportunity   broadcast  throughout  the  country.  Many
                      to  receive  academic  and  professional   course  blocks  also  have  supplementary
                      guidance and counseling services through   television  programs  which  last  a  half  hour
                      various  channels.  Also,  orientations  are   each  and  regularly  broadcast  on  public
                      provided  for  newly  enrolled  learners   television.  Since2012,  STOU  open  of  STOU
                      to  receive  important  information  and   Channel,  the  university’s  own  C-band
                      be  well-prepared  for  studying  in  the   television  station  broadcasting  24  hours  a
                      distance education system.             day. Moreover, STOU has offered website as
                  ●  A  wide  range  of  student  clubs’     Media on Demand.  All of these options are
                      activities  are  provided  for  learners  to   free and available to everyone.
                      meet  one  another,  share  views  and
                      study  experiences,  and  participate   Additionally,  a  wide  range  of  intensive
                      in  collaborative  academic  and  social   training programs are organized by the Office
                      activities.                            of Continuing Education.  Public training and
                  ●  One-Stop  Service  Center  (OSS)  has   in-house training, have been offered to the
                      been  designed  to  provide  assistance  to   general public at the STOU headquarter and
                      learners  and  the  general  public  easily   ten Regional Distance Education Centers so
                      access for all services and advice through   as to develop human resources in different
                      face-to-face  interaction  and  electronic   occupations,  increase  work  efficiency,
                      communication.                         enhance quality of life and implement what
                  ●  Special  services  for  disabled  learners.   they have learned practically.
                      The  university  provides  counseling  and
                      guidance,  orientation  and  fund  as  well   As  the  university  has  improved  its  support
                      as  learning  materials  such  as  audio   to  the  learners,  libraries  at  the  university
                      textbooks,  computers  with  disability-  headquarter  and  at  10  Regional  Distance
                      specific  software  and  hardware,  voice   Education Centers are the learning resource
                      recognition  and  synthesizers,  print   of  the  community  to  provide  services  for
                      magnifiers  and  scanners,  text  files  and   both  the  learners  and  the  general  public.
                      other media.                           Moreover,  STOU  Corners  have  also  been
                                                             established  as  resource  centers  in  all
                                                             provincial  libraries,  offering  educational
                                                             media  lending  and  reference  services  to
                                                             learners and the local communities.

                  Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
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