Page 83 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  63

               MOOCs AND OTHER OPEN EDUCATION             radio station, so as to give the opportunity
               PRACTICES                                  for  anyone  to  access  the  reliable  learning
               Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are    resources and references.
               online  courses  that  provide  an  affordable
               and flexible way to learn new skills, enhance  RESEARCH FINDINGS IN 2015-2019
               your  career  and  offer  quality  educational   Similar  to  traditional  universities, STOU  has
               experiences. STOU-MOOC is the cooperation   determined that research is one of the four
               between the Thai Cyber   University (TCU), the   key functions of the university. The Institute
               Office  of  the  Higher  Education  Commission   of Research and Development (IRD) has been
               (OHEC)  and  STOU  to  expand  learning    established  since  1992  with  the  mission
               opportunities   to   learners.   Therefore,   to  conduct  research  focusing  on  distance
               MOOCs  are  more  proper  to  the  needs   education which reflects the identity of STOU
               of learners in a digital age.              and  creates  quality  education  in  distance
                                                          education  context  of  STOU  at  national  and
               So as to avail the learners of adequate and   international  levels.  Later,  other  research
               effective learning resources, STOU has been   areas  beyond  distance  education  have  also
               involved  in  the  development  of  thirty-six   been supported and recognized.
               courses which include twenty courses related
               to subjects taught by STOU Schools through   STOU  has  allocated  about  20  million  Thai
               the  Open  edX  platform  in  Stages  1  and  2,   Baht annually to offer research opportunity
               which  is  a  free  and  open  source  learning   for  STOU  faculty  and  staff.  From  2009  to
               platform to host MOOCs, smaller classes and   2019, that the largest numbers of research
               training modules, and sixteen courses related   projects  (1,522  projects)  received  funding
               to community promotion and development     from  external  agents  and  produced  the
               under  the  operation  of  the  Center  for   largest amount of funding (1,722.44 million
               Knowledge  Management,  Communication      Baht).  The  second  highest  number  of
               and Development (CCDKM).                   research projects are from the Rattanakosin
                                                          Bicentennial  Fund  for  academic  research
               In  addition  to  STOU-MOOC,  open  learning   which  was  established  as  part  of  the
               resources  of  the  university  are  accessed   Rattanakosin  Bicentennial  celebration  (217
               through,  which  presented   projects with 26.7 million Baht granted).
               portal  of  STOU  media  offered  through  12
               Schools of study. STOU learners are able to   In  terms  of  research  productivities  in  the
               access media through every platform, including    last  five  years,  there  is  a  large  number  of
               FM  Sukhothai,  E-Tutorials  through  STOU   completed  research  projects  from  2015  to
               Channel  and  the  teaching  video  clips  in   2019.  These  numbers  show  a  tremendous
       However,  general  public   number  of  research  in  education  in
               could watch and listen to educational media   various  aspects  that  reflect  the  identity
               through STOU Channel, university television   of  STOU  research.  It  is  not  surprised  that
               channel,  and  FM  Sukhothai,  university   the  largest  number  of  research  projects

                                                            Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88