Page 71 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  51

               PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT                   social  innovations  affecting  the  national
               Sukhothai  Thammathirat  Open  University,   development;  and  on  the  integration  of
               a  state  university,  is  administered  with  the   work performance from all sectors including
               budgets from two sources: the government   the  state,  private,  and  community  sectors
               and  the  university  incomes.    Therefore,   in  order  to  collaborate  for  mobilizing  the
               the  planning  of  the  university  is  focused   development  of  areas  under  the  expertise
               on  responding  to  the  development  of   and main functions of the university. Details
               the  country  in  various  aspects  including   of the 20-Year University Development Plan
               the  provision  of  instruction  at  the  higher   are shown in Table 1.
               education level, the conduct of research, the
               provision of academic service to community,   Based  on  the  Table,  it  specifies  the
               and  the  preservation  and  maintenance  of   relationship among the vision of STOU for the
               art  and  culture.    STOU  has  formulated  the   next twenty years’ framework, mission, STOU
               university development plan in three phases   identity  (2021-2037),  and  learner  identity.
               as the following.                          The operation under the plan is divided into
                                                          four  phases  with  five-year  period  of  each
               The 20-Year University Development         phase.  Its  goal  is  to  strive  toward  being  “a
               Plan (2018–2037)                           leading  organization  that  provide  lifelong
               Since the contexts of Thai society and world   self-learning opportunity for all people”.
               society  are  changing  all  the  time,  the  Thai
               government  has  formulated  the  Thailand’s   Since  early  2020,  Thailand  and  other
               20-Year  National  Strategy  (2018–2037)  and   countries around the world have strived to
               the  Twelfth  National  Economic  and  Social   deal  with  negative  impacts  caused  by  the
               Development  Plan  (2017–2021)  to  set  the   COVID-19  pandemic  not  only  on  economic,
               direction  for  mobilizing  Thailand  toward   but also on educational systems worldwide.
               the  “Security,  Prosperity,  Sustainability”   As a consequence, the university operation
               goal.    Meanwhile,  STOU  has  the  20-Year   based on STOU Development Plan has to be
               University  Development  Plan  (2018–2037).    adjusted in order to cope with the situation.
               This development plan focuses on adjusting   On the other hand, this outbreak becomes an
               the university to cope with more challenging   opportunity for the university to rely on the
               external contexts.  The aims of this plan are   online system for not only instruction (in its
               to  create  the  new  and  stronger  identity  of   operation more rigorously), but also for final
               the university,  to  focus on  provision of  up-  examination  with  over  18,000  students  all
               to-date  lifelong  education  including  formal   over Thailand and abroad.
               education,  non-formal  education,  and
               informal  education,  and  to  respond  to  the
               needs  for  learning  and  skills  of  the  future
               world. Moreover, the plan focuses on both
               research  for  creation  of  innovations  that
               support  the  university’s  instruction  and

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