Page 69 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  49


                           STOU is committed to providing equity and quality
                          lifelong learning for all to respond to the digital age.

               Sukhothai  Thammathirat  Open  University   STOU  has  followed  lifelong  education
               (STOU), the first open university in Thailand,   philosophy  by  employing  the  distance
               has  provided  lifelong  learning  under  the   learning system to expand higher education
               distance  education  system  to  respond  to   opportunity  to  all  Thai  people  regardless
               individual and societal needs. STOU aims to   of gender, age, social status, and residence
               produce  qualified  graduates,  to  contribute   location.  Since  its  establishment,  STOU  has
               to  human  development  and  to  promote   enabled  the  development  of  individuals
               learning  opportunities  for  all  Thai  people.   and  communities  throughout  Thailand  and
               Over  42  years,  more  than  three  million   beyond.
               graduates have reflected the attempt of the
               university  to  employ  a  distance  education   On  October  24,  1978,  His  Majesty  issued
               system to provide lifelong learning for all.   royal mandates appointing the first University
                                                          Council and appointing Professor Dr. Wichit
               ESTABLISHMENT                              Srisa-an  as  the  first  president,  effective
               Sukhothai  Thammathirat  Open  University   from  January  1978.  After  approximately
               (STOU) was officially established by the Royal   two  years  of  preparation,  STOU  offered  its
               Charter on September 5, 1978, as Thailand’s   first  academic  class  on  December  1,  1980,
               eleventh  state  university.  His  Majesty   with  three  schools  of  study:  Educational
               King  Bhumibol  Adulyadej  (King  Rama  IX)   Studies,  Liberal  Arts,  and  Management
               graciously bestowed the university its name   Science.  Studies  at  STOU  are  not  confined
               in honor of King Prajadhipok (King Rama VII),   to  traditional  classrooms.  STOU  distance
               who  once  held  the  title  “Prince  Sukhothai   learning system is a multimedia system which
               Thammaracha” prior to his accession to the   consists  of  main  media  and  supplementary
               throne.                                    media.    At  the  beginning,  the  main  media
                                                          were  printed  materials  supplemented  by

                                                            Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
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