Page 57 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 57

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  37

               MOOCs AND OTHER OPEN EDUCATION             (LLL),  the  digital  education  system  is  being
               PRACTICES                                  expanded to offer learning opportunities by
               OUM offers various OERs that are available   offering  OERs,  MOOCs,  Micro  Credentials.
               to the public. MOOCs at OUM are developed   OER  are  learning  resources  that  do  not
               based on the XMOOCs format. Learners have   involve a course structure. MOOCs are non-
               free  access  to  30%  of  a  MOOC.  Remaining   credit based courses, while Micro Credentials
               70%  are  available  at  an  affordable  price.   are smaller units that would eventually make
               Anyone  can  access  OUM  OER  materials  by   up a single credit-based course. In terms of
               visiting  the  site  at  their development, OERs are more mature,
               my/. OUM through its digital transformation   while MOOCs are on pilot stage, and Micro
               plan has given a new facelift to its OER and   Credentials are still under conceptualisation
               MOOCs.  In  promoting  lifelong  learning   stage. All three formats are offered to OUM
                                                          community and the public.

               Table 1
               Initiatives under Digital Transformation Phase at Open University Malaysia

                Components                Developer     Host      Remark
                Interactive e-Module      Faculties and  CIDT     A new model is being tested
                Intelligent Online Learning   CLT       CLT       On-going efforts using analytics
                e-Lessons (embedded with  Faculties     CLT       New in-house materials are being
                Self-Test)                                        created to support the e-Lesson
                Assessment: Promotion of   Faculties    AED, CLT OUM continue to explore its
                collaborative learning by                         assessment
                introducing Task 1 that uses
                the online forum
                E-Tutorials               Faculties     Faculties e-Tutorials replaced the Face-to-
                                                                  face Tutorial Sessions
                Online Final Examination  Faculties     AED, CLT Collaborative research is in
                                                                  progress to improve quality and
                                                                  format of assessment under FOE
                Digital Library           Digital Library Digital   Research is being initiated to
                                                        Library   promote the information literacy
                                                                  among OUM community and the
                OER                       Faculty       CLT       Continuous effort
                MOOCs                     Faculty       CLT       New Pilot - continuous effort

                Micro Credentials         Faculty       APEL      New - Continuous effort

                                                                         Open University Malaysia (OUM)
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