Page 53 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  33

               Figure 3
               The view of the eCRM ticketing system

               At present, CLA in collaboration with CRI has   CLA  also  offers  the  e-counselling  services
               developed a new orientation program as part   and  may  also  opt  to  make  a  face-to-face
               of the digital transformation. The programme   appointment with a counsellor. At OUM, good
               known  as  the  OUM  Virtual  Orientation   health and wellbeing is a priority. In order to
               programme  will  serve  all  new  learners  and   ensure effective support are available, OUM
               can be also referred to by all senior learners   promotes good mental health and wellbeing
               takes learners through the first stage of their   among  its  staff  and  learners.  This  area  has
               learning journey. Upon completing, learners   gained more attention during the pandemic.
               will  receive  a  certificate  of  completion.  It   Researchers  in  the  field  of  psychology  and
               is  believed  that  such  programme  can  help   counselling  at  FSSH  are  working  together
               retain  learners  in  the  system.  In  addition,   with  CLA  to  develop  psychometric  tools  to
               CLA, learning centres and faculties separately   study the needs of both staff and learners,
               or  jointly  organises  various  workshops  to   and provide workable solutions.
               support  learners  through  their  journey.
               A  popular  workshop  is  on  how  to  write
               an  assignment  paper  (an  essay).  The
               workshops are part of the university’s social

                                                                         Open University Malaysia (OUM)
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