Page 305 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 305

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               hectares of land for development have been carried out. In order to be
               able  to  plant  four  times  a  year,  farmers  need  to  adapt  to  cropping
               pattern scenarios. Based on Sudana (2010) there are three scenarios
               of  cropping  patterns  four  times  a  year  that  farmers  can  do.  One
               scenario that can be done is the combination planted in Rainy Season
               2 (MH2) is the Ciherang variety with a harvest time of 90 days after
               planting. After MH2 was harvested, the second rice was harvested in
               Dry Season 1 (MK1) using the Silugunggo variety with a harvest time
               of 75 days after planting. The second rice was carried out during Dry
               Season 2 (MK2) with the same variety and harvest time as MK1. The
               third rice was carried out during Rainy Season 1 (MH1) with the same
               variety and harvest period as MH2.
               3.2   Total Production Index 400 (1P 400) Per Year
               To obtain data on the total production of the Planting Index 400 (IP
               400) is to multiply the number of harvests in one year (4 times) by the
               area of land suitable for the development of 800,000 hectares and the
               assumption of the total productivity of IP 400 in one hectare is 9 tons.
               Then  the  resulting  total  production  of  28.8  million  tons/hectare  is
               presented in Table. 1.
                     Table 1. Total Production Index 400 (1P 400) Per Year.
                 Number of     Appropriate        Total           Total
                  Harvests      Land Area      Productivity    Production
                  Per Year      (hectare)      (Tons/Year)     (Tons/Year)
                     4           800.000            9         28.8 thousand
               3.3   IP 400 Eligibility to Achieve Rice Self-Sufficiency
               According  to  FAO  (1999),  the  standard  of  self-sufficiency  is  if  the
               amount of production can meet 90% of the total national consumption
               per year. So to get the IP 400 eligibility to achieve self-sufficiency, that
               is by multiplying 90% by the amount of rice consumption per capita
               per  year  and  the  total  population.  90%  of  the  total  national  rice
               consumption is 26 thousand million. With a total production of 28.8

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            275
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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