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          McCauley, R. D., Gavrilov, A. N., Jolliffe, C. D., Ward, R., & Gill, P. C. (2018).
             Pygmy  blue  and  Antarctic  blue  whale  presence,  distribution  and
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             acoustics. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography,
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          Mizroch, S. A., Rice, D. W., Zwiefelhofer, D., Waite, J., & Perryman, W. L.
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             Desai T., Groves C., Pybus M., Sonay T.B., Roos C. (2017). Morphometric,
             behavioral, and genomic evidence for a new Orangutan species. Curr.
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          Newsome, T. M., Fleming, P. J., Dickman, C. R., Doherty, T. S., Ripple, W. J.,
             Ritchie, E. G., & Wirsing, A. J. (2017). Making a new dog?. BioScience,
             67(4), 374-381.
          Pampoulie, C., Gíslason, D., Ólafsdóttir, G., Chosson, V., Halldórsson, S. D.,
             Mariani,  S.,  Elvarsson,  B.,  Rasmussen  M.  hH.  ,  Iversdon.  M.  R.,
             Daníelsdóttir, A. K. & Víkingsson, G. A. (2020). Evidence of unidirectional
             hybridization  and  second‐generation  adult  hybrid  between  the  two
             largest  animals  on  Earth,  the  fin  and  blue  whales.  Evolutionary
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          Pongracz J. D., Paetkau, D., Branigan, M., & Richardson, E. (2017). Recent
             hybridization between a polar bear and grizzly bears in the Canadian
             Arctic. Arctic, 151-160.
          Smith, C. R. & Baco, A. R. (2003). Ecology of whale falls at the deep-sea floor.
             Oceanography and Marine Biology, An Annual Review, 41, 319-333.
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