Page 441 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 441

402     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 Alami, dan 665 di Wales Timur. Hasil analisis terhadap parameter
                 ekologi  memberikan  gambaran  bahwa  indeks  keanekaragaman
                 pada ketiga wilayah pengamatan termasuk kategori sedang, yaitu
                 2,825 di Wales Barat, 2,787 di Vegetasi Alami, dan 2,796 di Wales
                 Timur.  Sedangkan  indeks  kemerataan  termasuk  kategori  tinggi,
                 artinya tidak terdapat spesies yang mendominasi pada ketiga
                 wilayah  tersebut.  Hal  ini  dibuktikan  dengan  indeks  dominansi
                 yang  rendah,  mendekati  nol,  pada  ketiga  wilayah  pengamatan.
                 Gambaran tersebut memberikan indikasi bahwa tidak ada tekanan
                 pada komunitas burung di HKUI sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa
                 HKUI memiliki komunitas yang stabil.

                 Kata Kunci: analisis ekologi, burung, hutan kota, identifikasi


                 Urban forests provide various benefits not only for the surrounding
                 urban communities, but also provide habitat for various organisms
                 including  various  types  of  birds.  Information  on  the  diversity  of
                 bird species is very important for urban forest management. The
                 existence of various birds in the urban forest can give an idea of
                 the bird’s preference for stopping by and even as a house where
                 they live. This article identifies bird species in the Urban Forest of the
                 University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java. The ecological analysis
                 of birds in Urban Forest of the University of Indonesia was carried
                 out  through  a  review  of  diversity,  dominance  and  evenness.  The
                 estimated number of birds was calculated using the point count
                 method with observations in three main areas, namely West Wales,
                 Natural Vegetation, and East Wales. There are 34 bird species from
                 27 families found in Urban Forest of the University of Indonesia, with a
                 total of 2512 individuals. Based on this number, 1029 individuals were
                 observed in West Wales, 818 in Natural Vegetation, and 665 in East
                 Wales. The results of the analysis of ecological parameters provide
                 an illustration that the diversity index in the three observation areas
                 is  in  the  medium  category,  namely  2.825  in  West  Wales,  2.787  in
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