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Trends in Science and Technology   211
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                contractions,  and  treats  liver  and  intestinal  issues.  In  traditional
                Chinese  medicine,  the  flower  is  believed  to  affect  female  libido
                (Mukherjee et al., 2008).

                Table 1. Traditional Uses of Butterfly Pea Flower in Various Countries

              No.  Country        Use           Preparation   References
               1  Indonesia  - Brightening and   Applied topically  (Rezaldi et al.,
                            treating infant eyes  Crushed or boiled  2022; Silalahi,
                          - Treating fever                  2021)
                          - Treating boils
                          - Treating abscesses

               2  Malaysia  - Treating infections,   Applied topically  (Ganesan et al.,
                            burns, urinary tract   Crushed or boiled  2019)
                            disorders, edema,
                            antidotes, tumors,
                            snake bites, digestive
                            disorders, cough,
                            headaches, eye
                            diseases, joint
               3  Myanmar  - Neutralizing snake   Applied topically  (Kyaw et al.,
                            venom             Crushed or boiled  2021)
                          - Treating infant eye
               4  Vietnam  - Relieving constipation  Juiced, crushed,   (LUONG et al.,
                          - Treating diarrhea  boiled       2023; Pham et
                          - Acting as a snakebite           al., 2020)
               5  Philippines Food (boosting   Consumed     (Maghirang et
                          immunity)           directly, boiled  al., 2018)
               6  Thailand  Food and beverages  Processed, boiled  (Luu-Dam et al.,
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