Page 165 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 165

126    Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 (SLR). SLR mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan menaksirkan semua
                 penelitian yang tersedia dengan pertanyaan penelitian tertentu,
                 bidang topik, atau fenomena yang menarik. Hasil dan implikasi
                 dari penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan ChatGPT dapat membantu
                 mahasiswa  dalam  pembelajaran  mandiri  di  pendidikan  jarak
                 jauh.  Rekayasa  prompt  diformulasikan  dengan  mengkombinasi
                 pola prompt Persona, Template, Context Control, dan Question
                 Refinement.  Dari  hasil  pengkajian  penelitian  sebelumnya,  masih
                 terdapat peluang yang besar untuk pengembangan selanjutnya
                 terkait implementasi atau pembuatan model yang konkrit dalam
                 membantu pembelajaran mandiri mahasiswa di pendidikan tinggi
                 jarak jauh.

                 Kata Kunci:  ChatGPT,  kecerdasan  buatan,  pendidikan  jarak  jauh,
                            prompt engineering, teacher-based model chatbot


                 ChatGPT  is  a  generative  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  model  that
                 has received attention from the global community. ChatGPT can
                 be  used  by  employees  in  companies  to  help  work  and  increase
                 productivity.  In  the  field  of  education  and  research  in  higher
                 education, ChatGPT received both positive and negative reactions.
                 This AI-based innovation has sparked debate about the potential
                 threat  ChatGPT  poses  to  higher  education.  However,  innovation
                 cannot  be  stopped  and  one  day  it  is  necessary  to  embrace  the
                 generative AI model. This study aims to examine previous studies
                 related to the implementation of prompt engineering in utilizing
                 generative AI models in higher education to support the teaching
                 and  learning  process.  Prompt  engineering  has  certain  patterns
                 and  can  be  combined  to  produce  the  expected  output.  The
                 method used in this study is a systematic literature review (SLR).
                 SLR identifies, evaluates, and appraises all available research with
                 a specific research question, topic area, or phenomenon of interest.
                 The results and implications of this study are the use of ChatGPT
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