Page 137 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 137

98     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 pada temuan Mader (2005) dan beberapa kajian perbandingan
                 optimasi proses manufaktur dengan Six Sigma dari penulis: Hu dan
                 Pieprzak (2005), Naeem et all. (2016), dan Tanusha, Jyothilakshmi
                 & George (2021), serta Pakdil (2021) tentang penerapan DMAIC
                 dalam menentukan prioritas proyek dan seleksi metodenya yang
                 mayoritas mempergunakan AHP (analytic hierarchy process) dan
                 MCDM (multi-criteria decision-making methods). Hasil studi ini
                 adalah AD dan Six Sigma dapat diterapkan secara simultan dan
                 saling melengkapi untuk keperluan tersebut.

                 Kata Kunci: analisis proses bisnis, metode Axiomatic Design,
                            metode Six Sigma, manajemen proyek


                 This paper presents the benefits and constraints of the Axiomatic
                 Design (AD) method as part of the Six Sigma concept in the domain
                 of Quality Control Statistics applied to project management
                 optimization.  Optimization  in  project  management  can  be
                 interpreted as increasing quality, productivity and reducing errors.
                 One of the efforts to optimize these activities is by conducting
                 business  process  analysis,  namely segmenting  activity  units  into
                 smaller,  more  flexible  and  decentralized  units,  where  this  is  part
                 of the trend of science and technology for sustainable living. To
                 achieve the desired optimization, segmentation and reduction of
                 important variables often have to be carried out. The reduction and
                 segmentation procedures use the AD method, based on variable
                 weighting that meets the requirements in terms of quality, strategic
                 design, organization and technology. Project management
                 optimization analysis is carried out using Six Sigma stages which
                 are applied to one of the office building construction work designs.
                 Based  on  the  findings  of  Mader  (2005)  and  several  comparative
                 studies of manufacturing process optimization with Six Sigma
                 from: Hu and Pieprzak (2005), Naeem et all, (2016), dan Tanusha,
                 Jyothilakshmi & George (2021), and Pakdil (2021) regarding the
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