Page 209 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  189

               CONCLUSION                                 REFERENCES
               As an open and distance education institution,   Alwi,  M.,  Lince,  R.,  &  Rustam.  (2018).
               Universitas  Terbuka  (UT)  always  strives  to   Determinant Factors of Learning Difficulty
               improve  its  quality,  including  attempts  to   (Study  at  UPPBJJ-UT  (Regional  Office)
               align  its  quality  with  international  distance   Makassar).   (Unpublished   Research
               education  implementation  standards.  To     Report), Universitas Terbuka.
               achieve  these  goals,  UT  aspires  to  have  a   Belawati,  T.  (2014).  Open  education,  open
               strong  digital  education  system  in  place   educational resources, and massive open
               by  2035,  focusing  on  the  digital  learning   online  courses.  International  Journal
               ecosystem.  Academic  services,  learning     of  Continuing  Education  and  Lifelong
               processes,  learning  support,  as  well  as   Learning, 7(1), pp. 1-15.
               financial  and  asset  administration,  have  all   Belawati,  T.  and  Bandalaria,  M.  dP.  (2018).
               benefited  from  the  digitization  process.  UT   Distance  Education  in  Asia:  Indonesia
               is now completing the transition to a State   and Philippines. In Handbook of Distance
               University with Legal Entities (also known as   Education (pp. 557-573). Routledge.
               PTNBH). UT will have complete autonomy in   Bintarti, A. and Rahardjo, D. (2019). Student
               both academic and non-academic aspects as     Readiness  Factors  in  Implementing
               a PTNBH. With this level of autonomy, UT has   Online  Tutorials  in  the  Undergraduate
               the potential to provide better services, such   Study  Program  of  Communication
               as developing/establishing new major study    Studies. (Unpublished Research Report),
               programs, hiring new lecturers and scientists,   Universitas Terbuka.
               and,  eventually,  raising  the  number  of   CoL & ADB. (1999). An Overview of open and
               students or the participation rate of higher-  distance  learning.  Vancouver,  Canada:
               education  students.  Finally,  in  light  of  the   Commonwealth of Learning.
               rapid changes in ODL theories and practices,   Daryono  &  Belawati,  T.  (2013).  Prospects
               as  well  as  the  recent  global  pandemic  of   and  Challenges  for  Introducing  Open
               Covid-19,  UT  continues  to  make  changes   Educational  Resources  in  Indonesia.
               and innovations in order to meet the diverse   In  G.  Dhanarajan  &  D.  Porter  (Eds.),
               needs  of  students,  reach  the  unreachable,   Open  Educational  Resources:  An  Asian
               and improve the quality of graduates so that   Perspective. Canada: Commonwealth of
               they  can  compete  globally.  Furthermore,   Learning (COL).
               via continuous research and innovation, UT   Lestari,  E.P.,  Supartomo,  C.B.,  Tedja,  I.  N.
               aspires  to  become  a  globally  known  ODL   B.  W.,  Kholis,  M.  (2016).  Reanalisis
               institution,  as  well  as  an  advocate  for  the   Kurikulum   Pada   Prodi   Ekonomi
               global open education movement.               Pembangunan  (Penyesuaian  Dengan
                                                             Kerangka Kualifikasi NasionaI Indonesia).
                                                             [Curriculum  Reanalysis  in  Development
                                                             Economics Study Program (in Accordance
                                                             to  Indonesia’s  National  Qualifications
                                                             Framework)].  (Unpublished  Research
                                                             Report), Universitas Terbuka.

                                                                               Universitas Terbuka (UT)
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