Page 208 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 208

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Said,  2019;  Suciati  et  al.,  2017;  Belawati,   carried out in several aspects: development
                  Padmo,  &  Prasetyo,  2019).  BAI  is  designed   of  web  tutorial  models  (Rahayu,  2021),
                  to enhance the quality of students’ personal   user  experience  and  student  satisfaction
                  learning  experience  by  interacting  with   (Muflikah,  2021;  Widuroyekti,  2021;  and
                  the  content  through  self-instructional   Yusrizal, 2021), and implementation (Rachmi,
                  materials.  Because  of  many  advantages   2021). The results of those studies indicate
                  in  BAI,  especially  in  improving  student   that students like and felt comfortable with
                  learning,  the  development  of  interactive   the  web  tutorials  method.  This  has  made
                  learning materials or BAI become one of UT’s   UT  consider  continuing  employing  the  web
                  top  priorities.  Each  study  program  is  now   tutorials method even after the pandemic is
                  obliged to develop BAI, particularly in a new   over.
                  textbook or revised edition of the textbook
                  (Said  and  Ayuni,  2018).  Other  research  on  Management in Distance Education
                  learning  materials  have  also  been  focusing   Research related to institutional management
                  on  the  experimentation  and  development   and administration during the last five years
                  of  prototypes  of  materials  using  virtual/  has been mostly carried out with the focus
                  augmented  realities.  Lately,  a  research   on the development of various technological
                  project dedicated to study the possibility of   or  software  applications.  The  decision  to
                  developing a metaverse leaning environment    focus on such application development was
                  is also being conducted.                   made because UT is determined to become
                                                             a  cyber  university  which  required  effective
                  Learning Support System                    and  efficient  management.  Some  examples
                  One  of  the  most  essential  infrastructures   of  applications  developed  in  the  last  five
                  to  facilitate  students’  independent  learning   years are related to academic administration
                  is  to  provide  a  systematic  and  seamless   and  asset  management:  development  and
                  learning support system. UT provides various   implementation of database security (Sufandi,
                  learning supports including tutorials, contact   2016  and  Wicaksono  and  Susanto,  2017),
                  centre,  digital  library,  as  well  as  radio  and   facilities  and  infrastructure  management
                  television  programs  that  allows  students   (MESRA,  Manajemen  Aset  dan  Prasarana)
                  to learn from different sources. One of the   (Wicaksono, 2019), and system information
                  most  popular  learning  supports  was  the   on  learning  material  transaction,  including
                  face-to-face tutorials which are conducted di   production,  distribution,  and  inventory
                  the regions. The global COVID-19 pandemic   (SITTA or Sistem Informasi Tiras dan Transaksi
                  has  forced  UT  to  make  adjustments  in  the   Bahan Ajar) (Sufandi and Priono, 2019).
                  implementation of the face-to-face activities
                  and converted the face-to-face tutorials into
                  synchronous  web  tutorials,  which  basically
                  conducted  face-to-face  meetings  via  video
                  conference  platforms.  Research  related  to
                  the  implementation  of  web  tutorials  was

                  Universitas Terbuka (UT)
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