Page 201 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 201

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  181

                  Distance Learning Model  Years          Delivery System           Technology
                Fourth Generation          1999 UT started the internet-based    Internet:
                The Flexible Learning Model       access to www resources in 1997,  mailing list, mail
                 •  Interactive multimedia        however the mailing-list based   gateway, web-
                     (IMM)  online                tutorials were started in 1999.   based LMS
                 •  Internet-based access         The mailing-list based tutorials
                     to   WWW resources           (known as electronic tutorial
                 •  Computer mediated                or Tutel) were conducted on
                     communication (CMC)          course  basis,  i.e.  each course
                                                  was  offered  through  a  specific
                                                  mailing-list  account

                                                  In 2001, UT started to offer online
                                                  tutorial using open-sourced
                                                  learning management system
                                                  (LMS) called Manhattan Virtual
                                                  Classroom or (MVC), and in 2004,
                                                  UT changed to  Moodle until now
                Fifth Generation           2004 Nowadays, UT has several         Internet -based
                The Intelligent Flexible          learning materials to support the  multimedia
                Learning Model                    printed modules as main source   learning
                 •  Interactive multimedia        of learning and implemented    materials,
                     (IMM) online                 the fifth generation of media in   interactive
                 •  Internet based access         distance learning.             digital materials,
                     to WWW resources             The media such as:             web-based
                 •  Computer mediated              •  Online Tutorial using moodle  tutorials, web-
                     communication (CMC)              based application          based online
                     using automated               •  Webinar Tutorial using     examination
                     response systems                 Microsoft Teams, in this   system,
                 •  Campus portal access              tutorial there are interaction  web-based
                     to institutional                 between tutor and student  administrative
                     processes and                 •  UT Radio, internet streaming  systems, high
                     resources                        tutorial                   speed network
                                                   •  UT TV, YouTube channel for   connection,
                                                      delivering learning materials  contact center
                                                   •  However, other program still  with chatbot,
                                                      under development          etc.

                                                                               Universitas Terbuka (UT)
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