Page 191 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  171

               PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT                   associated  with  the  recognition  as  a  cyber
                                                          university. And, as the result of UT’s significant
               Establishing Identity                      contribution  to  assist  the  praxis  of  online
               In  1998,  UT  released  the  1998–2008  UT   learning  by  other  universities  during  the
               Development    Plan,   which   formulated   Covid 19 pandemic, UT has transformed itself
               a  clear  vision  to  become  a  center  of   to become a Center of Innovation (CoI) for
               excellence   in   organizing,   researching,   distance education. As a CoI, organizational
               developing,  and  disseminating  information   culture was challenged to become a learning
               on ODE in Indonesia.  In 2001, UT launched   organization that triggered the birth of new
               a bureaucratic reform, which included raising   ideas  and  breakthroughs  in  the  concept
               the quality of academic products, providing   and  implementation  of  distance  education
               work  facilities  and  infrastructure,  and   by  utilizing  the  latest  developments  in
               continually  strengthening  cooperation  with   information and communication technology.
               diverse parties. The mandate compelled UT
               to transform into a teaching institution that  Enhancing Quality and Positioning
               provided academic services to all citizens of   UT’s  planning  and  development  policies
               the  Republic  of  Indonesia,  including  those   are  aimed  at  enhancing  quality,  which  are
               residing  in  the  country’s  most  remote,   projected  into  three  main  areas,  e.g.  (1)
               underdeveloped,  and  impoverished  areas,   improving  academic  quality,  (2)  improving
               as well as those living abroad. As a teaching   internal  management,  and  (3)  increasing
               institution,  UT  was  required  to  increase  its   student participation rates. The latest long-
               quality and reputation in all areas, including   term  plan  is  formulated  at  the  Business
               human  resources,  community  and  market-  Strategic  Plan  2021-2035,  which  is  further
               driven educational programs, both degree and   elaborated  by  the  annual  working  plans  to
               certificate programs, the quality of teaching   achieve the stated annual targets articulated
               materials, learning processes, research, and   in forms of key performance indicators. The
               assessment. As a result, UT pushed itself to   university  annual  work  plan  contains  the
               become a distance education institution with   entire  plan  of  UT’s  programs  and  activities
               world-class academic services.             for the year. Each Unit/Department is then
                                                          required  to  create  its  own  annual  plan  in
               As a world-class distance teaching university,   accordance with its roles and functions. The
               UT  always  strives  for  innovation  taking   achievement of UT’s annual key performance
               advantage  of  the  latest  technological   indicators is monitored and evaluated by the
               development. It is very important for UT to   Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and
               establish a reputation as a modern university   Technology.
               and  be  recognized  as  a  university  that
               opens  up  access  to  higher  education  and
               lifelong learning to all. In fact, UT’s popular
               slogan is “making higher education open to
               all”.  Recently,  UT’s  identity  has  also  been

                                                                               Universitas Terbuka (UT)
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