Page 188 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 188

08           Universitas                                ESTABLISHMENT

                  Terbuka:                                   The earliest distance education in Indonesia
                                                             began  in  the  1950s  and  was  known  as
                                                             the  Education  Radio  Program  and  the
                  Making                                     correspondence   training   program   for
                  Higher                                     teachers  seeking  the  required  teaching
                                                             degree  (Belawati  and  Bandalaria,  2018).
                  Education                                  Over  30  years  later,  Universitas  Terbuka
                                                             (UT)  was  founded  in  1984  and  replaced
                  Open to All                                the  correspondence  course  type.  For

                                                             over  20  years,  UT  was  the  only  university
                                                             recognized  by  the  government  to  provide
                                                             higher education through distance education
                                                             system. A higher Education Decree in 2001
                                                             marked the regulation change and allowed all
                  Rahmat Budiman, Durri Andriani,            higher education institutions to also employ
                  Adhi Susilo, Lidwina Sri Ardiasih,         distance  learning  systems.  Nevertheless,
                  Made Yudhi Setiani, Mery Noviyanti,
                  Olivia Idrus, and Ernik Yuliana            UT  remained  the  only  university  operating
                                                             as  a  single-mode  institution,  taking  full
                  Universitas Terbuka                        advantage of its open and distance education
                                                             (ODE) system. Among the other universities
                                                             that  are  offering  significant  e-learning  as
                                                             parts  of  their  teaching  methodologies  are
                                                             the  University  of  Indonesia,  Gajah  Mada
                                                             University,  and  Bina  Nusantara  University
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