Page 183 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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                   teachers  who  first  engaged  in  online   mobile devices (, 2020).
                   teaching.                              5.  Together  with  the  research  on  open
               2.  From  2009-2012,  learning  communities   education  practices,  universal  access
                   became  a  subject  of  research  which   to  learning  also  became  a  subject  of
                   implies  the  proliferation  of  student-  research which resulted to a publication
                   formed  online  communities.    Using  the   on Universal Design for Learning in the
                   ICT-enabled  platform,  specifically  the   context of online learning in 2020.
                   Web2.0,  students  became  connected
                   with  each  other  and  socialization  REFERENCES
                   among  them  also  became  possible.    Arinto,  P.  (2013).    Teaching  at  a  distance
                   The  phenomenon  of  online  learning     in  a  digital  age:  Perspectives  from  the
                   communities was also investigated from    Philippines.
                   the  perspective  of  peer  support  and   id/eprint/10020020/1/ARINTO,%20P.B..
                   addressing  the  sense  of  belongingness   pdf.
                   which  is  a  major  concern  among  DE   Bandalaria,  M.P.    (2019).    Universal  access
                   students.    The  integration  of  modern   in  online  DE.  A  case  study  from  the
                   ICTs  into the DE  system also  prompted   Philippines.    In  S.  Gronseth  and  E.
                   an investigation of the profile of learners   Dalton  (eds),  In  Universal  Access
                   enrolled  in  the  DE  programs  with  the   Through  Inclusive  Instructional  Design.
                   conclusion that, indeed, the profile  has   International  Perspectives  on  UDL
                   changed during the 10 years of DE in the   (Chapter 24). Routledge.
                   country.                               Bandalaria,  M.  (2019).  Facing  the  present
               3.  From  2013  onwards,  many  research      and    future   challenges   through
                   papers  that  were  published  and        eLearning.  In  Philippine  Star.  28  July
                   presented  in  the  conferences  tackled   2019.       https://www.pressreader.
                   the open education initiatives like Open   com/philippines/the-philippine-
                   Educational  Resources  (OERs)  and       star/20190728/283253099510913
                   Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).    Bandalaria,  M.  (2009).  e-Learning  in
                   This also implies that this was the period   the  Philippines:  Trends,  Directions,
                   of a major change in the DE framework     and  Challenges.    International  Jl.  on
                   in the country with its shift to openness.  E-Learning (2009) 8(4), 495-510. https://
               4.  From  2015,  social  media  became  the
                   subject  of  research  probably  because   learning+modules/FMfcgxRmdNwxwXH
                   of  the  increasing  engagement  among    MJWZQtFVDggrdXpMV?projector=1&m
                   learners   using   the   social   media   essagePartId=0.1
                   platforms.  Although Facebook launched
                   its Philippine office only in April 2016, at
                   that time, there were already 49 million
                   Filipinos on the social networking site, 44
                   million of whom were accessing it using

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