Page 6 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 6

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               with  the  stated  purpose  of  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals,
               established by the United Nations in the General Assembly in 2015.
               To support this global movement, we, as the committee of the 2nd
               International  Seminar  of  Science  and  Technology  2022,  propose  a
               theme  of  “Accelerating  Sustainable  Innovation  toward  Society  5.0”.
               We classified the theme into three sub-topics:
               1.   Science and Mathematics for Innovation
               2.   Sustainable Food Agriculture
               3.   Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development

                   Distinguished colleagues and guests, In today’s seminar, we will
               have  a  very  insightful  discussion  with  all  our  keynote  and  plenary
               speakers, experts from the National Research and Innovation Agency,
               Korea  University,  Leiden  Universiteit,  Ehime  University,  Bandung
               Institute  of  Technology,  and  Universitas  Terbuka.  Moreover,  in  the
               afternoon, we will have a parallel session with 72 presenters, of which
               39  will  present  their  scientific  articles  on-site  and  33  online,
               respectively. Two of the presenters will present their scientific findings
               online from Korea University. Submitted and reviewed articles will be
               published in the Proceeding of the International Seminar of Science
               and Technology, 2022, and selected articles will be published in AIP
               Scopus indexed.

                   To  achieve  a  more  thorough  discussion  of  our  international
               seminar today, our lecturers in the Faculty of Science and Technology,
               Universitas Terbuka, have also written a Seminar. Book by the theme
               and sub-topics of ISST 2022. The seminar book contains many ideas,
               presented as original research publications or literature reviews, with
               26 articles. Our Seminar Book involves 43 authors from Universitas
               Terbuka  and  14  from  other  institutions.  This  Seminar  Book  will  be
               launched  at  the  beginning  of  our  seminar  today.  We  hope  our
               publication  will  give  many  new  scientific  insights  related  to  the
               Acceleration of Sustainable Innovation toward Society 5.0.
               To all our guests,

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia             vii
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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