Page 289 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 289

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               determine  one  or  several  points  that  reflect  the  position  of
               sustainability of the five dimensions of the utilization of Spermatozoa
               Epididymis native to Indonesia in Ruminant Slaughterhouses (RPH-
               R) which are assessed against two reference points, namely the good
               point and bad point. According to Kavanagh P. & Pitcher, [15], scores
               were  analyzed  by  Rap-GametRescue  to  determine  sustainability
               status as shown in Table. 2.
                        Table 2. Category Index and Sustainability Status
                  No.     Index score                 Category
                   1    0,00 - 24,99     Poor (unsustainable)
                   2    25,00 - 49,99    Less (less sustainable))
                   3    50,00 - 74,99    Moderate (moderately sustainable)
                   4    75,00 - 100,00   Good (sustainable)
               Source: Kavanagh and Pitcher [15]
               The  sustainability  index  value  of  each  dimension  criterion  for  the
               utilization of Spermatozoa Epididymis of native Indonesian cattle at
               Ruminant  Slaughterhouses  (RPH-R)  which  includes  ecological,
               economic,  social,  regulatory  and  technological  dimensions  is
               visualized in the form of a kite diagram. The most sensitive indicator
               that contributes to the sustainability index of the use of Spermatozoa
               Epididymis  native  Indonesian  cattle  in  Ruminant  Slaughterhouses
               (RPH-R), is shown through sensitivity analysis by looking at the shape
               of the change in Root Mean Square (RMS) ordinance on the x-axis. In
               this case, the greater the change in the RMS value, the more sensitive
               the  indicator  is  in  the  sustainability  of  the  use  of  Spermatozoa
               Epididymis native to Indonesia in Ruminant Slaughterhouses (RPH-
                     Rap-GametRescue  is  a  statistical  technique  with  an  MDS
               approach,  providing  stable  results  compared  to  other  multivariate
               analysis methods. MDS is essentially a perceptual mapping that relies
               on Euclidian Distance between one dimension and another. In MDS,
               the attribute or measure to be measured can be mapped within the
               Euclidian  distance  where  objects  perceived  to  have  the  same
               characteristics are considered to have the closest Euclidian distance.

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            259
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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