Page 279 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 279

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               Enterprises  (BUMD)  and  private  companies.  The  institutions,  in
               carrying out its performance, requires innovation and creativity as well
               as science and technology in managing the animal slaughter service
               business in a sustainable manner. Utilization of the structure of animal
               genetic  material  after  slaughter  is  one  of  the  opportunities  for
               innovation,  creativity,  and  science  and  technology,  which  can  be
               The  genetic  material  structure  of  animals  or  livestock,  whether  for
               breeding  or  re-cultivation  purposes,  in  captivity  for  wild  or  non-wild
               animals, can be lost at any time, which is caused, among others, by:
               (1) death, intentionally due to slaughter at the RPH-R, (2) unexpected
               death,  (3)  low  libido,  and  (4)  occurrence  of  reproductive  disorders.
               Efforts that can be made in re-preserving the genetic material because
               it is wasted (gamete rescue), a rescue and preservation of the genetic
               material  structure  of  male  animals  that  have  died  after  being
               slaughtered  at  the  RPH-R,  is  by  utilizing  epididymal  spermatozoa.
               Several  research  results  provide  information  that  the  utilization  of
               epididymal spermatozoa, which aims for Artificial Insemination (IB),
               and  In  vitro  Fertilization  (FIV),  still  shows  the  ability  to  produce
               offspring  or  children.  Currently,  the  utilization  of  spermatozoa
               originating  from  the  cauda  epididymis  has  not  received  serious
               attention even though it has been proven to be able to fertilize oocytes.
               Therefore,  an  agroecological  policy  and  strategy  is  needed  in  the
               directive, strategic, operational, and technical hierarchy in managing
               the  RPH-R  service  business  in  a  sustainable  manner  so  that  the
               management of saving and preserving the semen of native Indonesian
               animals can be achieved through the use of spermatozoa epididymis
               as one of the real actions to support food sovereignty in Indonesia
               Bali and Madura cattle are native Indonesian cattle that have many
               superiorities, including being easy to adapt to various types of feed
               and  environmental  conditions.  Bali  cattle  can  adapt  to  seasonal
               changes as evidenced by data on weaning weight, yearly weight, and
               good reproductive conditions [24]. Bali cattle are one of the types of

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            249
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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