Page 269 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 269

The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               previously farmers still used conventional methods in their cultivation
               activities, now there are many choices of ways to help farmers work
               through agricultural digitization. Just like when farmers want to plow
               their fields, they need the  help of  animal  power such as cows and
               buffalo, but in this traditional way there are many weaknesses, then
               comes technology in the form of a hand tractor machine. The tractor
               machine tool is used more efficiently so that the traditional method is
               increasingly being abandoned. However, due to the need to be able to
               produce more quickly and more then a more modern tractor engine
               emerged,  the  four-wheel  tractor.  In  addition,  the  government  also
               focuses  on  developing  platforms,  innovations,  financial  assistance,
               insurance, to support and facilitate agricultural activities which are then
               expected to realize the digitalization of agriculture in Indonesia and the
               level of farmer welfare can increase.
               Agricultural platforms are digital innovations that can be accessed by
               farmers  in  order  to  obtain  information  related  to  agriculture.  The
               agricultural platform can be accessed by farmers using a smartphone
               or  computer  connected  via  the  internet.  In  the  platform,  there  is  a
               variety of information that can be obtained by farmers, for example
               related  to  fertilizer  doses,  market  opportunities,  weather  forecasts,
               recommendations for eradicating pests and diseases in plants, and
               much  more.  Farmer-accessible  farming  platforms  include  Agree,
               iTani, Plantix, TaniHub and others. In the use of digital platforms, it is
               necessary to have an intermediary media, namely smartphones and
               internet networks. In Indonesia itself, it is not easy to put a smartphone
               in the hands of farmers, because to get it, farmers have to spend quite
               a lot of money, because the smartphone is a sophisticated innovation
               technology,  so  the  price  is  relatively  expensive.  In  fact,  most
               Indonesian farmers only have land tenure of less than 0.5 ha or status
               as small farmers or farm laborers which will then have an impact on
               their income or profits. From his income, he can only provide for his
               living expenses and his family. If a farmer wants to have a smartphone,
               he must save first. This has a negative correlation, that is, farmers who
               do not have other jobs or side jobs, the income obtained from farming

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            239
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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