Page 132 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 132

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               The embrace of Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly when it
               comes  to  the  core  value  of  community  service,  promulgates  a
               landmark  decision  by  Universitas  Terbuka  to  contribute  to
               environmental  development  through  its  commitment  to  advocating
               government’s  one-billion-tree  scheme  as  previously  shown  from
               Figure. 1 to Figure. 3 This commitment is also visible in UT Go Green,
               an environmentally friendly concept that also incorporates mangrove
               restoration efforts. These efforts are not only about restocking trees,
               but also about nurturing their growth into viable ecosystems to ensure
               that  the  associated  organisms  thrive  well  in  the  ecosystem.  The
               commitment  is  firmly  instilled  in  Universitas  Terbuka,  particularly  in
               UPBJJ  UT  Makassar,  which  manifests  in  the  implementation  of
               community-based mangrove planting project in 2012 followed by the
               independent mangrove replantation in 2014.
               3.3   The  Importance  of  Mangrove  Plantation  Program  in  The
                     Sustainable  Conservation  of  Fisheries  Resources  in
                     Tekolabbua Village
               Within  the  next  ten  years,  the  mangrove-planting  project  has  had
               substantial effects on the ecosystem. Interview results with the chief
               of Tani Nelayan Mandiri, Ir. Hamzah (2020), provide evidence of how
               successful the effort has been and what benefits it has yielded.

               3.3.1   Ecological Benefits
               There  are  various  indicators  that  identify  more  fish  species  in  the
               location.  The  planting  area  has  become  a  viable  ecosystem  that
               supports the survival of various marine species in the waters around
               the  mangroves  where  nursery,  spawning  and  feeding  occur.  This
               finding is consistent with several prior studies. A study in Badung River
               Mangrove Park found 14 fish species from 14 families and 7 orders
               [9].   9   families   including   Ambasidae,   Riidae,   Mugilidae,
               Tetraodontidae,    Phallostethidae,   Drepanidae,    Gobiidae,
               Aplocheilidae  and  Syngnatidae  were  found  based  on  a  study  in
               Sayung Demak located in Bedoro Village [10]. A study in the waters
               of Sajoanging Subdistrict in Wajo Regency identified 7 families. i.e.,

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            111
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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