Page 67 - Trends in Science and Technology fo Sustainable Living
P. 67

28     Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
                   Universitas Terbuka (2023)

                 sesuai kebutuhan pengguna dengan mempertimbangkan lebih
                 banyak faktor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hal ini disebabkan
                 pola data yang digali telah memiliki tanda atau pengenal sehingga
                 memudahkan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor atau fitur. Penggunaan
                 N-soft set pada data mining diharapkan dapat memberikan
                 wawasan  baru  dalam  pengambilan  berbagai  jenis  keputusan
                 dengan mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian, ambiguitas, dan
                 kompleksitas data.

                 Kata Kunci: N-soft sets, data mining, pengambilan keputusan


                 Decision making is an essential process in individual or group life.
                 N-soft set is an innovation in decision-making theory, particularly in
                 addressing uncertainty issues by representing data in various forms.
                 Several studies have combined N-soft set with other theories, but
                 no research that combines N-soft set with data mining. Therefore,
                 this study discusses the philosophy of collaboration between
                 the N-soft set and data mining and the approaches needed to
                 implement the N-Soft set into data mining methods. N-soft set can
                 be applied to model uncertainty and ambiguity in data, while data
                 mining can identify patterns and trends. Pattern discovery methods
                 in data mining, such as Association Rule mining, clustering, and
                 classification, can also utilize N-soft set representations. N-soft set
                 data  mining  collaboration  enables  the  identification  of  relevant
                 patterns and relationships in data by considering the membership
                 levels of objects in relevant classes. Combining N-soft sets with data
                 mining can produce a more representative model according to user
                 needs by considering more factors in decision-making. Because the
                 pattern of data extracted already has a sign or identifier, making it
                 easier to identify factors or features. Using the N-soft set for data
                 mining is expected to provide new insights into making various
                 decisions by considering the data’s uncertainty, ambiguity, and

                 Keywords: N-soft sets, data mining, decision making
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