Page 17 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 17

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  xv

               statement  states  that  OUSL’s  goal  is  to  The Philippines - UPOU
               achieve excellence in life-changing education   Distance  education  in  the  Philippines  was
               by offering equitable learning opportunities   established through the initiatives of various
               through  open,  distance,  and  flexible   individuals  and  organizations  which  shaped
               education while maintaining a commitment   its  development  to  its  current  status  and
               to excellence in teaching and research. One   articulations.  Most of the literature published
               of  the  OUSL’s  distinguishing  features  in   about DE in the Philippines would trace it back
               comparison to other OUs is its provision of   to radio through the following initiatives: the
               science-based degree programs, including an   “farmers’  school”  in  1952,  Pacifico  Sudario
               accredited engineering degree that is on par   in  1959;  and  the  school  format  radio  in
               with those provided by Sri Lanka’s traditional   1963. Another important contribution to the
               universities.  As  a  DE  university,  the  OUSL   establishment  of  the  DE  in  the  Philippines
               largely relies on printed and electronic lesson   is  the  Science  Teaching  Using  Distance
               materials,  enhanced  using  contemporary   Instruction (STUDI) in 1984 by the University
               technologies. All of  the university’s courses   of the Philippines Los Banos, which eventually
               are currently provided online in one of three   led to the establishment of the University of
               formats: Supplementary, Blended, or Online-  the  Philippines  Open  University  (UPOU)  in
               Plus. Each course will fall under one of the   1995.  The Internet has played a significant
               three  classifications  based  on  the  quantity   role in the development and transformation
               of online participation that is offered for that   of  UPOU,  especially  since  it  enables  the
               particular course. Additionally, the OUSL has   university  to  reach  learners  even  beyond
               been a leader in embracing new technologies   the  geographical  confines  of  the  country.
               and  approaches,  such  as  e-learning  and   The  online  component  was  first  formally
               teaching materials based on Open Education   incorporated  into  UPOU’s  instructional
               Resources (OER).                           delivery system in 2001, primarily to replace
                                                          face-to-face and teletutorial sessions and go

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