Page 22 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 22

01           ODE in                                     ESTABLISHMENT

                  Korea: Korea                               Although higher education through distance
                                                             learning has been developing in the West for
                  National Open                              over 100 years, it has only been developed
                                                             in Korea over a short period of time. In 1972,
                  University                                 Korea  National  Open  University  (KNOU)
                                                             was  first  launched  as  the  Department  of
                                                             Telecommunications  affiliated  with  Seoul
                                                             National University as a Type 2 college. Ten
                                                             years later, KNOU was separated from Seoul
                                                             National  University  and  became  a  Type  5
                  Ko Songhwan                                college that runs an independent program.

                  Korea National Open University             KNOU  is  the  first  national  open  university
                                                             in Korea. It was established by the Ministry
                                                             of  Education  in  1972  as  a  solution  for
                                                             providing  higher  education  and  responding
                                                             to great demand in society. Ever since, many
                                                             other  distance  education  institutions  being
                                                             founded  and  operated  including  the  cyber
                                                             universities.  As  of  June  2020,  there  was  a
                                                             total  of  21  cyber  universities  in  Korea.  The
                                                             number  of  cyber  universities  has  expanded
                                                             including a total of 16 special cyber graduate
                                                             schools that had been opened in nine other
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