Page 11 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 11

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  ix

               Although  not  all  DE  providers  are  open   and initiatives. Therefore, adult and working
               universities, but the role of OUs in Asia’s DE   people  frequently  make  up  the  majority  of
               is undeniable. OUs have provided access to   OU  students.  One  extreme  instance  is  the
               higher education to millions of Asian people.   graduation  of  a  student  at  the  age  of  93
               The 47 full members of the Asian Association   from  Universitas  Terbuka  (also  known  as
               of  Open  Universities  (AAOU)  alone  have   UT,  Indonesia  Open  University).  However,
               more  than  10  million  students  dispersed   the demographics of the student body have
               throughout  more  than  20  countries      recently shifted, with a rise in the proportion
               (AAOU  Full  Membership,  2022).  The      and quantity of younger students (Kawachi,
               AAOU,  established  in  1987,  is  a  non-profit   Sharma, & Mishra, 2006).
               association of institutions of higher education
               that focuses on open and distance learning.   Prior to the advent of the internet, OU services
               It aspires to enhance educational access for   were  offered  to  students  via  pre-produced
               all people in Asia and elevate the standard   printed materials (supplemented with audio/
               for  institutions  in  terms  of  management,   video materials), in-person services including
               instruction,  and  research  related  to   face-to-face  tutorials,  as  well  as  pencil-
               education. It promotes the development of   and-paper  tests.  This  is  why  the  majority
               open and distance education opportunities,   of  OUs  stand  out  by  having  a  Head  Office
               works with government agencies and others   equipped  with  production  and  distribution
               that are directly or indirectly engaged in DE,   facilities,  which  are  uncommon  for  campus
               and supports collaboration with other similar   facilities  in  traditional  institutions,  as  well
               regional and worldwide organizations (AAOU   as a network of regional offices or learning
               website, 2022). The members of AAOU are    centers in the regions where they operate.
               working together on a number of initiatives   As  illustrations,  the  Indira  Gandhi  Open
               to  increase  the  usage  of  DE  and  open   University (IGNOU) has 56 regional centers,
               education. Most importantly, by sharing their   11  recognized  regional  centers,  and  almost
               knowledge and experiences through AAOU,    2,000 learner support centers across India ;
               members are able to contribute to the Asia   the  Bangladesh  Open  University  (BOU)  has
               DE’s steady transition to more contemporary   12 regional centers, 80 regional centers, and
               DE methods.                                1,550 study centers ; the Open University of
                                                          China (OUC) has 45 provincial branches and
               Since improving educational access was one of   3,735 study centres ; and UT has 39 regional
               the primary drivers behind the establishment   offices, 1 overseas student center, 70 learning
               of an open university, the majority of OUs in   centers,  and  around  1000  learning  group
               Asia follow the concept and principles of open   points (which are independently formed and
               education. They provide everyone access to   managed by students’ study group) .
               their systems, irrespective of their age, place
               of  residence,  or  level  of  income.  It  is  clear   1.   IGNOU’s website at
               that the vast majority of OUs encourage and   2.   ignou/aboutignou/regional/about
                                                             BOU’s website at
               enable lifelong learning through their policies   rc-src.html
                                                          3.   OUC website at
                                                          4.   Internal information from the office of Vice Rector
                                                             for Institutional Development and Partnerships

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