Page 10 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 10

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  DISTANCE EDUCATION AND                     commercial  and/or  for-profit  DE  providers
                  OPEN UNIVERSITIES IN ASIA                  functioning throughout Asia (Jung, Wong, Li,
                  Distance  education  has  a  long  history  in   Baigaltugs,  &  Belawati,  2011).  The  number
                  Asia.  Confucius,  a  Chinese  philosopher,   has  undoubtedly  increased  and  currently,
                  introduced  the  concept  of  education  for   India alone has one national open university
                  all  without  discrimination  more  than  2,500   (The Indira Gandhi National Open University
                  years  ago  and  advocated  that  everybody   or  IGNOU)  along  with  15  state  open
                  who is ready to study should have access to   univerisities   (
                  educational opportunities (Song, 2022).  Asia   Open-Universities-in-India); South Korea has
                  is also one of the first continents to widely   no less than 17 cyber and digital universities
                  adopt  the  principle  of  open  education  in   which provide education completely online,
                  order to increase access to higher education   in  addition  to  the  Korea  National  Open
                  by  creating  open  universities  based  on  the   University  (Lim,  Lee,  &  Choi,  2019);  China
                  United  Kingdom  Open  University  (UKOU)   has  6  open  universities  (previously  named
                  model  (Belawati,  Alfonso,  &  Saludadez,   Central Radio and Television and 5 provincial
                  2020).  The  Korea  National  Open  University   radio  and  television  universities  (RTVUs)
                  (KNOU),  established  in  1972,  was  the  first   and 39 remaining RTVUs that runs similarly
                  open university in Asia. It was soon followed   to open universities (Zhang & Li, 2019); and
                  by  Pakistan’s  Allama  Iqbal  Open  University   Malaysia has  at  least  two  open  universities
                  (AIOU),  founded  in  1973.  Since  that  time,   and  one  cyber  university.  In  addition  to
                  other additional open universities have risen   those  institutions  specifically  focused  on
                  up in various Asian nations, where they now   DE, an increasing number of campus-based
                  dominate  the  region’s  DE  market.  These   universities are also providing DE programs,
                  open  universities  (OUs)  are  single-mode   particularly  in  light  of  the  COVID-19
                  institutions  that  only  provide  DE  for  their   pandemic’s recent outbreak. As an example,
                  degree and continuing education programs.   the  pandemic  forced  over  4000  higher
                  By  2011,  there  were  around  70  open   education institutions in Indonesia that were
                  universities,  at  least  10  mega-universities   entirely campus-based to shift their courses
                  (universities with student populations above   to online formats. Many of those institutions
                  100,000),  numerous  traditional  schools   are  predicted  to  continue  offering  DE  even
                  offering  DE,  and  an  increasing  number  of   after the pandemic is ended.


                            The Asian community has long placed a high value on

                          education  and education is seen as the catalyst for social
                             welfare,  upward social mobility,  and overall human
                          well-being. Nowadays, Asia emerges as one of DE’s major
                                            beneficiaries and players.

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