Page 78 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 78

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               researcher.  Compared  to  the  previous  research,  the  novelty  of  the
               current research is that researchers measured the practicality level of
               a webtoon-based comic media based on the practicality assessments
               from the educators and students. Furthermore, the media developed
               focused  on  material  related  to  religious  moderation  consisting  of  6
               themes. The results of the practicality of webtoon-based comic media
               can  be  further  employed  as  a  reference  for  educators  or  further
               researchers  to  determine  practical  and  efficient  media  that  can  be
               used in  learning.  By using practical and efficient media, it will  help
               teachers explain the learning materials and make students understand
               the learning materials faster [8][6].
               2     METHODOLOGY
               This study was conducted through Research and Development (R&D)
               method using the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, those are
               Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation [9].
               This study focused on analysing the practicality of online webtoon-
               based  comics  that  have  been  developed.  Furthermore,  573
               respondents were involved as the research sample to measure the
               practicality level of the media developed. Among these respondents,
               140 were educators and 433 were students. Data on practicality were
               obtained from questionnaires that were distributed to educators and
               students in terms of 5 aspects, those are the aspects of ease of use,
               presentation,  readability,  efficiency,  and  effectiveness.  The  data
               obtained  were  further  analysed  using  the  percentage  formula
               Equation (1) [9].
                                        =   x 100%                                 (1)
               The percentage results obtained were then interpreted to determine
               the practicality level of the developed webtoon-based comic media.
               Table.  1  presents  the  criteria  for  the  practicality  of  the  developed
               media [10].

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia             57
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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