Page 77 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 77

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka
          understand  how  to  behave  towards  other  individuals  who  have
          different religion, ethnicity, culture, nation, state, etc. As a supporter to
          teach the understanding of religious moderation to students or other
          individuals, the researchers developed a webtoon-based comic media
          so  that  all  students  or  other  individuals  can  be  assisted  in
          understanding religious moderation. The comic media that has been
          developed by the researcher can be accessed easily via Android or
          PC. Before distributing the media that has been developed, the validity
          of the media certainly should be measured. In this case, the webtoon-
          based  comic  media  that  has  been  developed  has  met  the  validity
          criteria of 93.1%, thus it is categorized as very valid. Furthermore, in
          order for the comic media developed to be truly effective in increasing
          the understanding of religious moderation, it is necessary to measure
          the practicality level of the media.
          Many studies have been carried out on measuring the practicality of a
          media, one of which is a study conducted by Varol & Söylemez that
          has developed jobsheet media which is easy to use and encourages
          students  to  learn  more  actively  and  independently  [5].  Additionally,
          another  research  conducted  by  Rahayu  &  Kuswanto  revealed  that
          100% of the students were interested in using comic media due to its
          attractive design, while the ease of material in the media obtained a
          percentage of 91.74% [6]. Furthermore, the research performed by
          Firdaus & Wilujeng found that the LKPD developed obtained a good
          response  from  students,  proven  by  the  average  response  results
          obtained of 41.6, which is categorized as good [7]. Based on those
          previous studies, it can be seen that through the media practicality
          level measurement, the strength and weakness of the media as well
          as  the  users'  response  towards  the  media  can  be  obtained.  It  is
          conducted because the purpose of developing a product is to provide
          assistance to users, so it is necessary to conduct trials to determine
          the practicality level of the comic media that has been developed.
          Based  on  the  description  above,  the  researcher  is  interested  in
          conducting  further  research  to  measure  the  practicality  level  of  the
          webtoon-based  comic  media  that  has  been  developed  by  the

          56                           ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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