Page 362 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 362

               The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
               “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
               ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
               Universitas Terbuka
               is because the MAPE value produced by Decomposition (25.68%) is
               smaller than Random Forest (52.31%).
               Keywords:  Forecasting,  Random  Forest,  Decomposition,  Covid-19,
               1  INTRODUCTION
               Prediction is a process to estimate the possibility that will occur in the
               future based on information or data in the past and currently owned,
               so that errors formed can be minimized [1]. There are several methods
               of  forecasting  between  Random  Forest  and  Decomposition.  The
               Random Forest method is a set of decision trees that are used for
               classification and prediction of data by entering inputs into the root part
               that is above and then down to the part of the leaf that is below [2].
               Decomposition  is  a  method  that  uses  four  main  components  in
               forecasting  future  values.  The  four  components  include  trend,
               seasonality, cycles, and errors [3].
               This forecasting method can be applied in various fields, one of which
               is the health sector to determine the amount of oxygen supply in the
               central hospital in the future. Hospitals are health service institutions
               that provide complete individual health services that provide inpatient,
               outpatient,  and  emergency  services.  In  April  2021,  Indonesia  was
               recorded to have 3,039 hospitals. This addition occurred not only due
               to the need for health services in general, but also because Indonesia,
               which is currently still hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which requires an
               increase in the number of hospitals or health service institutions [4].
               The spike in Covid-19 cases has resulted in many impacts, one of
               which is the scarcity of medical gas in the form of oxygen [5]. In the
               middle of 2021, oxygen scarcity occurred in Java and Bali due to the
               Covid-19 pandemic [4]. This scarcity has an impact on the supply of
               oxygen to other hospitals in Indonesia. One of them is RSUD dr. R.
               Soedjono  Selong  in  NTB  Province.  RSUD  dr.  R.  Soedjono  Selong
               usually gets a supply of 100 tubes per day, but due to the impact of
               oxygen  scarcity  on  the  islands  of  Java  and  Bali,  dr.  R.  Soedjono
               Selong gets an oxygen supply of 60 to 80 tubes per day. This is also
               caused by the diversion of oxygen which was originally to be supplied

               ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia            325
               International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
               Towards Society 5.0
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