Page 353 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 353

                                  he 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka

          The antibacterial activity of active compounds is also influenced by
          bacterial cell surface components (cell membrane, cell permeability),
          cytoplasmic  components,  and  bacterial  virulence  factors.[30],[31]
          Polar secondary compounds are effective in inhibiting the growth of
          gram-positive bacteria, penetrating the peptidoglycan layer which is
          also  polar,  and  more  easily  penetrated  by  polar  antibacterial
          compounds.[32],[33]  The  peptidoglycan  structure  plays  a  role  in
          maintaining  osmotic  stability  and  antiphagocytosis  with  fewer  lipids
          and contains polysaccharides (teichoic acid). Teichoic acid is a water-
          soluble polymer that acts as a carrier for positive ions in or out.[31],[34]
          Polar  compounds  that  have  entered  the  bacterial  cell  immediately
          work to destroy the bacteria by denaturing proteins (enzyme catalysts)
          and causing the bacterial cell's metabolic activity to stop and resulting
          in the death of the bacterial cell.[33],[34] The outer cell membrane of
          Gram-negative bacteria is a double layer consisting of phospholipids
          (inner  layer)  and  lipopolysaccharide  (outer  layer),  with  a  high  lipid
          composition (non-polar) and little peptidoglycan.[32],[33] This makes
          it  difficult  for  antibacterial  compounds  to  penetrate  gram-negative
          bacterial cells.  There are relatively more secondary compounds in
          M.pudica,  thus  showing  a  better  antibacterial  effect  in  combination
          preparations.  It  is  suspected  that  the  phytochemical  groups  of
          flavonoids,  alkaloids,  and  tannins  are  more  responsible  for  the
          antibacterial  activity,  but  it  depends  on  the  dose  and  type  of
          The  mechanism  of  action  of  flavonoids  as  antibacterials  is  to  form
          complex  compounds  with  extracellular  and  soluble  proteins.
          Flavonoids  can  damage  cell  membrane  function,  as  well  as  inhibit
          DNA-RNA  synthesis  and  energy  metabolism.[26],[35]  Alkaloid
          compounds  have  an  inhibitory  mechanism  by  interfering  with  the
          constituent components of peptidoglycan in bacterial cells so that the
          cell wall layer does not form completely and causes cell death.[34],[36]
          Saponin compounds are antibacterial, work by diffusion through the
          outer  membrane  and  vulnerable  cell  walls,  then  bind  to  the
          cytoplasmic  membrane  thereby  disrupting  and  reducing  membrane
          stability, and ultimately causing cell death due to leakage of cytoplasm
          from  the  cell.[37]  Terpenoid  compounds  can  react  with  porins
          316                          ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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