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Trends in Science and Technology   273
                                                   for Sustainable Living

                Ma’in, Anggoro, S., & Sasongko, S. B. (2013). Kajian dampak lingkungan
                     penerapan teknologi bioflok pada kegiatan budidaya udang
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                Matthews, H. (2017). Incentives and barriers to adopting aquaponic
                     and  biofloc  systems  in  Canada.

                Pattillo, D. A. (2021). Needs Assessment and Practical Solutions for
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                Pantazi,  D.,  Dinu,  S.,  &  Voinea,  S.  (2019).  The  Smart  Aquaponics
                     Greenhouse–an  Interdisciplinary  Educational  Laboratory.
                     Romanian Reports in Physics, 71, 902.

                Pinho,  S.M.,  de  Lima,  J.P.,  David,  L.H.,  Emerenciano,  M.G.C.,  Goddek,
                     S.,  Verdegem,  M.C.J.,  Keesman,  K.J.,  &  Portella,  M.C.  (2021).
                     FLOCponics: The integration of biofloc technology with plant
                     production. Rev Aquac, 14, 647–675.

                Poli, M., Legarda, E., Lorenzo, M. de, & Al, E. (2019). Integrated multi-
                     trophic  aquaculture  applied  to  shrimp  rearing  in  a  biofloc
                     system.   Aquaculture,   511.
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                Pratt, C.W., & Cornely, K. (2014). Essential biochemistry. New Jersey:

                Rocha, A.F., Biazetti, F.M.L., & Stech MR, S.R. (2017). Lettuce production
                     in aquaponic and biofloc systems with silver catfish Rhamdia
                     quelen.  Bol  Do  Instituo  Pesca,  44,  64–73.
                     https://doi. org/10.20950/ 1678- 2305.2017.64.73
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