Page 93 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  73


                          In 2017, the OUC was honored with the Institutional
                           Prize of Excellence by the International Council for
                          Open and Distance Education (ICDE). As of the end of

                         2021, all the 44 provincial RTVUs changed their names
                                             to open universities.

               In  the  20   century,  correspondence-based   in China was still in its infancy and preparation
               distance  education  began  to  be  more   stage in the first half of the 20  century (Ding
               widespread.    In  March  1915,  Shanghai   Xingfu, 2001).
               Commercial Press officially founded the first
               Chinese-run  correspondence  school,  which  PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT IN
               was  the  prelude  to  distance  education  in  CHINA
               contemporary  China.  By  1917,  there  were
               over  50  correspondence  schools  founded  Development History of ODE in China
               by  publishing  houses  in  China.  According   Since the founding the People’s Republic of
               to  statistics  from  1915  to1946,  students   China (PRC) in 1949, ODE in China has taken
               admitted  by  three  major  correspondence   on a new look and embarked on a road to
               schools  owned  by  China  Commercial  Press,   development.  For  more  than  70  years,  it
               Zhonghua Book Company, and Kaiming Book    has  been  in  step  with  and  interacted  with
               Company, came from 22 provinces and five   the development of the PRC, with a number
               municipalities.  As  many  as  60,000  foreign   of  clearly  delineated  stages.  The  70-year
               language  professionals  (Ding,  2015)  were   development  history  of  open  and  distance
               cultivated for industrial, business, academic,   education in China can be divided into four
               and political circles in the Republic of China. A   stages.
               new off-campus way of learning was opened
               up for people from lower level of society to   •  Initial stage of ODE in China (1949-1977).
               receive systematic education and to get new   In face of a situation of extreme shortage
               skills,  which  fostered  a  host  of  talents  for   of  talented  professionals  just  after  the
               China’s  economic  and  social  development   founding of the PRC, in 1951, the Ministry
               during  this  period.  Generally  speaking,  the   of  Education  (MoE)  issued  a  regulation
               development of open and distance education    which  stated  that  “correspondence

                                                                      The Open University of China (OUC)
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