Page 92 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 92

04           Towards                                    ESTABLISHMENT

                  Lifelong                                   Open  and  distance  education  (ODE)  has
                                                             become  the  foundation  on  which  the
                  Learning                                   international community can realize lifelong
                                                             education,  lifelong  learning,  and  a  learning
                  for All:                                   society. A review and summary of its history
                                                             and  status  in  China,  a  major  country  in
                  Development                                ODE, is conducive to enhancing the world’s
                                                             understanding  about  China’s  ODE  and  will
                  of Open and                                contribute for inspirations to other countries.

                  Distance                                   Open and distance education in China goes

                  Education in                               back to ancient times. As early as 2,500 years
                                                             ago,  the  great  Chinese  thinker  Confucius
                  China                                      put  forward  the  concept  of  “education  for

                                                             all  without  discrimination,”  advocating  that
                                                             all  members  of  society  who  are  ready  to
                                                             learn  should  have  access  to  educational
                                                             opportunities.  This  concept  has  had  a
                                                             profound  influence  on  the  development
                  Institute of Lifelong Education            of  education  in  China  for  more  than  2,000
                  and International Department               years. As a result, educational target groups

                  The Open University of China               expanded  and  became  larger  in  number,
                                                             making  mass  education  one  of  the  main
                                                             distinctions of Chinese education in ancient
                                                             history (Zhang, 2021).
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