Page 149 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 149

 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
 “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
 ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
 Universitas Terbuka
 Table 2. Major nutritional attributes of food loss/waste samples used in animal feed, optimum loss/waste
 inclusion level, and FCR values, as reported in the literature
 Country   Tested animal  DM%      CP%      EE%      NFE%      CF %   FCR
       Mean  CV  Mean  CV   Mean  CV  Mean  CV    Mean
 Japan   Fish   97.9   –    19.6   11.3  8.2   –    –   –     –   1.5
 Lebanon      93.7   0.6  18.9   2.1  22.2  21.6   31.8   –    15.3   2.03
 Lebanon      93.7   0.6  18.9   2.1  22.2  21.6   31.8   –    15.3   1.1
 Nigeria      91.5   –    12.7   –    24.0   –    80.5   –    2.0   0.9
 Brazil      89.8   –    14.3   –    2.6   –    81.5   –    0.3   2.5
 Tunisia      92.9   –    2.4   –    0.3   –    85.5   –    2.1   1.8
 China      93.2   0.1  31.1   10.8  13.3  13.6   –   –    5.7   2.6
 Kingdom of      86.7   1.3  2.6   5.7  0.3   13.8   79.7   –    1.8   1.2
 Saudi Arabia
 Iraq      91.1   –    24.0   –    7.8   –    –   –    0.8   3.1
 Nigeria   Chicken   89.3   –    5.3   –    11.0   –    81.7   –    1.1   2.5
 Malaysia      89.3   1.3  16.0   1.2  7.1   1.0   –   –    3.7   3.5
 South Korea      93.7   –    20.6   –    10.0   –    –   –    8.9   3.3
 Taiwan      87.6   2.4  15.8   3.4  16.0   3.2   –   –    10.8   3.9
 Iran      92.0   –    12.6   –    4.1   –    –   –    2.6   1.9
 India      –   –    6.9   –    1.9   –    –   –    –   2.0
 Czech Republic     95.2   –    8.1   –    1.8   –    –   –    9.1   2.3

 ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia   127
 International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
 Towards Society 5.0
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