Page 471 - Profil Guru Masa Depan Berbasis Teknologi Pendidikan
P. 471


            A                              E

               Adhegledis 272                Educational Management 299
              AECT 19, 21, 22, 237           Educational Technology 19
              Afeksi 279                     Efektif 137
              Akademik  324                  e-Learning 201
              Akuntabel  275                 Emotional Quotient 314
              Algo Heuristik 169             Equilibrasi  153
               Analysis 281                  Evaluation  281
              Application  281
              Asessment  271
              Attitude 57                  F
              Audio Visual Aids 19

                                             Filbeck 31
              Bela H. Banathy 17
              Belajar 135
              Bersistem 24                   Gagne 237, 282
              Blended Learning 333           Garis Besar Isi 201
              Bloom 280, 282, 283            Guru Profesional 61
              Bloom’S Taxonomy 277
                                             Hall 58
              Capaian  Pembelajaran  288     Harles 35
              Commission of Instructional    Heinich 236
              Technology 20                  Herbarium 259
              Comprehension 281              Heriati 59
              Curriculum Theories 299        Heuristik 169
                                             Higher Order Thinking 320
                                             High Skilled 319
            D                                Holistik 136

              Departement of Audiovisual
              Instruction 18
              Desain Induk 313
              Design Instructional 17

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